Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
If you don't know Killer Mike is my fave rapper of all time. Yes even higher then Kanye and T.I.
I KNOW it's a lot of videos out there like this BUT this has to be the funnest one ever!. I really don't care where LBJ plays. Thats make that clear. I just find this funny. Speaking of funny be sure to pick up the I'm in Miami Trick tee in our Webstore
Friday, November 26, 2010

The great people over at 5 Point did a great art post on Sanquon. Bet you never seen any of this. Check It Out
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Well I'm about to put the last touch on the collection thats going out Friday. I do to much when it comes to fashion always adding new stuff. Thats a good thing for you guys tho.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Kanye always speaking how he feel, I like that.

The great ladies at Lipstick Memoirs did a write up about the Sanquon store opening. When you get some time check it out
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Here is something to make your day a little better. It sure made my day.
Monday, November 22, 2010

Can you smell Black Friday in the air ? I can. This Friday We(Sanquon) will be opening the webstore and here is another preview for you guys. Enjoy
Sunday, November 21, 2010

HAPPY BIRTHDAY. How about me and you head down to the Jersey Shore and get Our Fist Pump on ?
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
I can't lie I been here with my brother. They can piss you the fuck off (Sorry having flashbacks). But ours never been on tape lol. This is to funny, hope we didn't look like that.hahaha

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Lauren. Lets go do some shots and then hit taco bell and steal all the tacos and hit people hit them.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
"He be like STFU I be quiet... But when he leave I be talkin again!"
Monday, November 15, 2010

What was the hot tip in the NBA over the summer ? Well it was King James my friends, He was hot in the streets like crack. Every team wished for him to enter the season with them. Even his home team had to wait and watch on Live Tv to hear him say the words "I'm In Miami Trick" HA! okay he didn't say that but "I'm taking my talents to south beach" is the same thing.
Saturday, November 13, 2010

Happy Birthday Big Sis. You need to come to the A-t-l-a-n-t-a for we can hit that M-a-g-i-c C-i-t-y and MAKE IT RAIN well wait we can let the rapper make it rain then steal the money and run! Wow thats a great plan
Thursday, November 11, 2010

Black Friday is almost here and that means we are closer to the opening of the web store. So get your money ready to go. Well in this case blow lol.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Tuesday, November 9, 2010

This Shirt where do I start. We all know where I go this from right ? (Kanye West For you slow ppl). Only I switched it up a little. I did this shirt a year after the West Gate so I put "Still Doesn't". At first I just wanted to wear the shirt to school just for shits and giggles. But at school (Which Btw I went to a all white school) ppl loved it and wanted one. At first I was like naw they not gone buy it then I said fuck it and added it to the collection, Only this time giving the fact that every body at school was white I added "and White People". To this days this haves to be one of the highest selling Sanquon tee's to date.

While Disney collaborations have long been prevalent in Asia, UNDFTD are looking to change things up with this preview of a Donald Duck figure done with MEDICOM TOY. While the images provided by UNDFTD’s head designer, UNDFTD KB Lee don’t offer a ton of details, we can only hope for something sports-inspired based on UNDFTD’s roots in athletics. Stay tuned for more details.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Friday, November 5, 2010

This haves to be my fave out of the ones I have seen.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
I CAN"T STOP PLAYING THIS. I LOVE THIS SONG. Nicki sound so sexy getting at

My lovely M.O.B's, the time has finally come! I'm sure that most of you have already seen some leaked images of our latest project done in collaboration with Reebok, but we're officially premiering them here now ourselves, not to mention taking the first pre-orders today!
The Double Bubble Freestyle's come in a royal blue suede body with leather lining, a gum sole, and a rose gold lip pin at the heel for that extra M.O.B touch. Oh, and if you manage to sneak a peek of the insole, you'll noticed that it's also stamped with one of our favorite slogans: Well Behaved Bitches Seldom Make History. They retail at $100, to place an order or get more info, contact info@mttmnyc.com.-MTTM
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
I been playing this song alot. At first I was like "Um Yeah" okay that beat gettin on my nerves. Now I can't stop playing it.
This was the shit back in 06
lol He looks nothing like Rick Ross. Fail
Monday, November 1, 2010

It's been a long time coming but it's finally here. Well almost. We been working hard to bring this to you guys and we are happy to say that the GRAND OPENING(you know somebody happy when they type in all caps) is 11-26-10. Yup Balck Friday will never be the same. We will keep you guys updated in the weeks to come and almost post more ads for you to look at all day.
hahaha Wow This was funny and I don't think he wanted it to be! Check out this diss below tho it's better. I don't have any feeling for both tho. Jay-z cool I guess