Friday, December 31, 2010
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Hey lets watch a movie together. I mean you will be in your own house and I will be in mine but still together. This is a great movie if you haven't seen it then you should see it today and watch it right now like me. Don't be like Mike be like J-avaris.

Hey it's the New York Mob Boss birthday. This one time I watched her killed somebody over 2 bucks 2 dollars man she is cold as hell then after that she slap the dude girl down the steps and dropped a box of chicken on her head and took her sneakers . You really don't wanna mess with her. She also did all that while in her hello Kitty underwear, She the thug of thugs!
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Big thanks to the young ones over at G.Y.T for posting up Sanquon. They even posted our ad.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Karl Lagerfeld stars in a new Volkswagen ad as the German automaker highlights the new Style package for the hatchback model Golf. The video features a Hasselblad-holding Lagerfeld on set as he makes a reference to Paris only to be corrected by somebody on set for a bit of a comedic angle.
Monday, December 27, 2010

Happy birthday Hayley. Oh yeah she wears Sanquon. Yeah I know she cool like that
Well Kanye you might want to watch this,this is is great. Seem like all the fan made vid's from Ye fans are high level.
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Um wow y'all really want them shoes huh ? Thats crazy bet you would shoot somebody for them huh ? Wait don't answer that. Well I hope that you all got your shoes and are wearing them and looking cool. Also hope that you picked up our "Grey Lantern" shirt from the shop. Oh you didn't well what you waiting for ? Don't make me push you down the steps(ha) Shop Now
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Desiree posted some video of her shoot with Robert Christopher and we figured we would pass the video along Enjoy
Monday, December 20, 2010
Friday, December 17, 2010
Thursday, December 16, 2010
WOW! ahahaha Trey all laid back with it "Her Hair On Fire"
This looks like it's gone be a pretty good movie. I mean the other 4 was good so this one is sure to be dope too.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Um yeah not to be starting shit BUT Rev Run already coin that walk Diddy. It's called "KATOMATAY"
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

In anticipation of the Air Jordan XI "Cool Grey", Jordan brand haves teamed up with Sanquon to bring you a very ltd shirt. Dub thee "Grey Lantern", this shirt will sure make you stand out in your "Cool Grey's". Only 50 made and available Now 0nly at Sanquon Online Store.
Sunday, December 12, 2010

Happy Birthday to my very own Juergen Teller. I know she somewhere watching Almost Famous,The Big Lebowski,and
Search ResultsEternal Sunshine , and
Search Results
Search Results
Eternal Sunshine all day long. Me and her are almost the same person...Only she haves boobs and other things I don't ha!
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Friday, December 10, 2010
Thursday, December 9, 2010
I still don't get why people don't like this video. I mean I even heard dudes say they don't like this video UM man you just might want to go see the doctor. How you don't like big boobs huh ? C'mon Son *Ed Lover Voice*
Wednesday, December 8, 2010

In anticipation of the Air Jordan XI "Cool Grey", Jordan brand haves teamed up with Sanquon to bring you a very ltd shirt. Dub thee "Grey Lantern", this shirt will sure make you stand out in your "Cool Grey's". Only 50 made and available 12.14.10 0nly at Sanquon Online Store.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Happpppppppy birthday fellow OMC member. Go live it up and beat up a couple of girls dresses like they "ladies of the night" and then hit the cops with some ham. You get it ? ham cops are pigs ahahaha. Aye I got yo bail money ready
Monday, December 6, 2010

Check out the behind the scenes photos from the shoot with Megan Daniels for the Brickhouse shoot. We gotta thank Estevan for killing this shoot! -Two In The Shirt
Now before you think this is a wack song let me say this, When the last time you heard some wack music on my blog ? Never! YOu may have or haven't heard of this group but trust me you will love this song
Sunday, December 5, 2010
MAN this commerical use to be the shit back in 9th grade. Before homeroom I used to practice the legs pass thing everyday. Yeah I can do it now hahaha Practice Practice Practice. Happpy Sunday
Friday, December 3, 2010

I was watching this movie the other day and saw it on Lyndsay blog so I had to post it. Naw really I didn't have to post this the video I had to post. You know what part of the movie I'm talking about to.

If you don't already know I made a "Like" page for Sanquon last week. So this is what I need you and you to do, take your mouse and "Like" our page. We will be doing give aways and things like that on the page and I know you like free shit so "Like" the page.Pretty Plz with a hot girl on top. I even put it in the post Eassssssy
Thursday, December 2, 2010

I love the girls at Tough Love and you should too. Be sure to catch them The EarPeace every Thursday at 10pm (est)

Tonight the night huh ? the day LBJ goes home to the city that

Um yeah this is well man I can't even get the words out. Sike it's just ass and tits we all seen that before (well some of us have seen them in real life). This a nice little thing to make your day go by smoother. WTF it's THURSDAY WTH!! Oh don't forget I said Tits and Ass so yeah NSFW and all that crap.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010